A TAO or ALPHA (subnet tokens) holder who delegates their stake to validators to earn rewards without running validator nodes.
What is a Nominator?
A nominator, also called a delegator, owns TAO or ALPHA (subnet tokens) and delegates it to validators who act as delegatees . They support the network by backing validators with their stake while keeping control of their tokens. The minimum required stake is 0.1 TAO.
How It Works
When nominators delegate TAO, they increase a validator's effective stake. On root this increases the amount of TAO staked with the validator, while on all the other dynamic subnets this exchanges their TAO for subnet tokens and delegating those to the validator, increasing his ALPHA stake in the subnet. Their tokens stay in their own wallet, and they can unstake them when they choose. Nominators earn rewards based on their delegated amount and the validator's performance.
Reward Distribution
Rewards are shared between validators and their nominators:
- Validators keep 18% of rewards by default (based on the validator's take)
- The remaining 82% is split among nominators
- The split depends on each nominator's stake amount
These rewards are automatically distributed every 24 hours (7200 blocks ).